In Chhattisgarh’s Naxal-affected Bijapur district, Naxalites blew up a vehicle of security forces on Monday by detonating a landmine, in which nine people including eight soldiers were martyred. Police gave this information. Police officials said that near Ambeli village under Kutru police station area of the district, Naxalites blew up a vehicle of security forces by detonating a landmine, in this explosion the bodies of the soldiers were blown into pieces. He said that in this incident eight soldiers of Dantewada District Reserve Guard (DRG) were martyred and the driver also died. About 100 kg of explosives were used in the tunnel.
8 soldiers martyred in Naxal attack
Biggest Naxal attack in two years
IG said, DRG Dantewada soldiers were returning in Scorpio after a joint operation. Bastar IG said that the joint operation was of Dantewada, Narayanpur and Bijapur. PTI quoted an official as saying that the Maoist attack on the state police unit DRG is the biggest attack by Naxalites on security personnel in the last two years.
This information was given
Officials said that a joint team of Dantewada, Narayanpur and Bijapur districts was sent on an anti-Naxal operation. When this team of security forces was returning from the operation today, at around 2.15 pm, the Naxalites blew up the vehicle of the security forces by detonating a landmine near Ambeli village under Kutru police station area. Officials said that additional security forces have been sent to the spot. More information is being taken in this regard.
Let us tell you that earlier, on 26 April 2023, a ‘Multi Utility Vehicle’ (MUV) included in the convoy of vehicles carrying security personnel in neighboring Dantewada district was blown up by Naxalites. 10 policemen and a driver were killed in this incident.