Before the Delhi Assembly elections 2025, a round of allegations and counter-allegations has started between the Aam Aadmi Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party. Now on behalf of the BJP, Sambit Patra targeted the Aam Aadmi Party by holding a press conference and raised the issue of Kejriwal’s house. During this, he explained how the Delhi government spent money like water in building the Chief Minister’s residence and built a luxury house for the CM by ignoring the rules. He explained in a systematic way how the cost of the house increased over time and when the house was ready, its cost had become very high.
Sambit Patra told that a kitchen was built on each of the three floors of this house. Due to this, the expenditure increased by lakhs of rupees. Citing the CAG report, he told how the estimated cost of the house was something else, but when the house was ready, its actual cost was very high. Money was spent in both proper and improper ways in this.
Expenditure on luxury items
Sambit Patra told that a mini bar was built in this house by spending lakhs of rupees. Along with this, silk carpet was also laid in the house. Crores of rupees were also spent to build a staff block and camp office in this house. He told that the entire money was given to the contractor even before the work was completed. Kejriwal had also withdrawn money for eight servant quarters, but spent it in his own house. His house had eight bedrooms, three meeting rooms and 12 toilets.
Money wasted on advertisements
Sambit Patra told that the Delhi government spent less money on the actual scheme, but wasted money generously in advertising those schemes. He told that Rs 54 crore was spent to connect children with business. The name of the program was Business Blasters. Five times more money was spent on its advertisement. Rs 80 crore was spent on the advertisement of the program worth Rs 54 crore. At the same time, Rs 1 crore was spent on a program named Desh Ke Mentor, but Rs 28 crore wasted on its advertisement. The Delhi government spent Rs 77 lakh for stubble management. 24 crore rupees were spent on its advertisement. Talking about these advertisements, Sambit Patra named Arvind Kejriwal as Advertisement Baba.