A horrific road accident took place on Friday in Madhya Pradesh’s capital Bhopal in which one student died while 35 students including two professors were injured. A speeding truck hit a college bus from behind on the Bhauri bypass of Outer Bhopal. After the collision, it dragged the bus for a long distance. The collision was so severe that the rear part of the bus was shattered.
After the accident, the local people immediately ran for help and started removing the students from the bus. Meanwhile, the police was also informed. The police also reached the spot and admitted the injured children to the hospital.
The students were returning after a visit
The accident happened at 2 pm. All the students are engineering students of People’s School of Research and Technology. All the students had gone to visit the plant of Isar company. The condition of 6 children is said to be critical in the accident. At present, a team of doctors is busy treating the children. According to the information received from the police, the bus met with an accident when the students were returning from the visit.
One student died
Student Vineet Sahu, a resident of Birsinghpur Pali, died after the accident. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Student Vimal Yadav and student Shivam Lodhi are said to be seriously injured.