A shocking case of suicide has come to light from Aarey Colony of Mumbai. According to the information, a minor girl student of class 11th in an international school/college located in Aarey Colony here has committed suicide. As soon as the information of this suicide incident was received, the police took cognizance of the incident. The police has said that it is investigating this case of suicide.
Student hanged herself in the washroom
According to the preliminary information received, yesterday a 16-year-old minor girl student of class 11th in an international college located in Aarey Colony of Mumbai committed suicide by hanging herself in the washroom. According to the information received from the police regarding this incident, people who knew the girl told that she has taken such a step earlier as well.
What did the school/college say?
At present, Aarey Police of Mumbai has started investigating the case by filing ADR in this case of suicide. A statement has also come from the college administration on the suicide of the student. The college has issued a statement saying that they are saddened by this incident. The college has appealed to give privacy to the victim’s family in the entire matter.