On Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav wrote that Swami Vivekananda, who awakened the intelligence and power of the youth, had said, “Arise, awake and do not stop till the goal is achieved”. Vivekananda looked at the youth with hope and expectation and considered the young generation to be the pioneers of change. For Swamiji, the national poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar wrote in his book “Sanskriti Ke Char Adhyay” that “Whatever Abhinav Bharat had to say, was proclaimed by Vivekananda. Vivekananda gave a clear message of the direction in which Abhinav Bharat had to go.
He wrote that Vivekananda is the bridge on which ancient and modern India embrace each other. On the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, who considered youth power as the basic consciousness of the nation and the energy for building the society, salutations to his feet on ‘National Youth Day’.
PM Modi described as the guide
CM Yadav wrote that our guide is the successful Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who knew and understood the potential of the young generation and guided them to focus on knowledge (GYAN). In this, he talked about “G” for poor, “Y” for youth, “A” for farmers and “N” for women welfare. He called for the development of discipline, modesty, positivity, skill capacity and talent for the youth. I am happy to inform that with the inspiration of the Prime Minister, we are starting “Swami Vivekananda Yuva Shakti Mission” in Madhya Pradesh from today.
We have given shape to this mission by keeping “Gyan Par Attention” and Madhya Pradesh’s “Youth Policy-2023” at the center. Its objective is to make the youth aware of quality education, skill development, mental and physical health, employment opportunities and social responsibility. This mission is for the welfare of the youth of urban and rural, backward and socio-economically weaker sections. It seeks to empower women, Divyang, youth and farmers. We have started work on various fronts for the development of youth. The process of government jobs in various departments for the youth has been started.
Quality achievement in the field of education
CM Yadav wrote that 55 PM Shri Colleges of Excellence have been started for quality education in the field of education. Work is being done in all three fields of Ayurvedic, Allopathic and Homeopathic for medical education. Last year we started three medical colleges. I am happy to inform that 25 new medical colleges will be started in 2 years on PPP mode. Youth power is a big base of Regional Industry Conclave being organized in different areas of the state for employment oriented arrangements in industrialization. Through IT parks including Rewa, Ujjain, youth have got employment opportunities in the state itself on the basis of their qualification and ability.
Special attention will be given to skill development of youth in “Swami Vivekanand Yuva Shakti Mission”. With the establishment of Skill University, the skills required for employment will be developed. There will be special training programs for skill development in tourism, agriculture and service sectors. Apart from this, various schemes will be implemented to encourage entrepreneurship among the youth and provide employment opportunities at the local level. The youth will be encouraged to protect the environment, create awareness against social evils and preserve the cultural heritage of the nation. Efforts will be made to improve their mental and physical health through sports and cultural activities.
Proclamation of Mission “Atma Deepo Bhavah”
CM Yadav wrote that Yuva Shakti is the proclamation of Mission “Atma Deepo Bhavah”. Efforts are being made to bring the aspects on the ground for the development and construction of the youth, years ago Swami Vivekananda had called upon the youth regarding this ability and intelligence “Atma Deepo Bhavah” i.e. be your own lamp. Be your own guide. Only with the positive spirit of the energy of the youth, the security, prosperity and development of the nation can take shape. This is possible through the hard work and skill development of the youth.
The Prime Minister explained the need for proper encouragement for the youth group. It is a happy coincidence that the number of youth in the age group of 15 to 29 years in India is 27.03 percent. If the youth are capable, competent and self-reliant, then the entire society and country will progress. Keeping this in mind, under the “Swami Vivekananda Yuva Shakti Mission”, qualities like education, skill development and community service will be developed in the youth and they will be made capable. It will have resources and opportunities to make the youth leaders. The youth will be trained with quality education and vocational skills and made capable for employment.
CM Yadav wrote that the pillars of the mission are dialogue, strength and prosperity. Dialogue will develop self-confidence and leadership ability. Quality education, capacity building and skill development will develop strength and the strong youth will prosper. It is a matter of joy for us that with this mission, the youth will be able to move forward in the direction of making Swami Vivekananda’s call meaningful. Like Lord Krishna, they will themselves become lamps and will also brighten the society with their energy and ability. Swami ji had said to the youth that “You are the inheritors of the vast heritage and tradition of Indian culture.” We are moving forward on the path of development and construction of Madhya Pradesh with the concept of development from heritage.
PM Modi’s resolution of a developed nation will come true
CM Yadav wrote that I am confident that this mission will be successful in realizing the dreams of the youth and bringing positive change in the society. This triveni of ancient, cultured and ever young India will play an active role in realizing the resolution of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to build a developed nation. Youth should realize their dreams, move forward themselves and take the society, country and state forward.
I am satisfied that the youth of Madhya Pradesh trust the state government. May this mission bring a new sun in their lives, may their lives be illuminated and may they participate in constructive and creative works for the society. I once again salute Swami Vivekananda ji for awakening the youth and establishing Indian spirituality and culture on the global stage. (The author is the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh)