Urine stones can occur not due to lack of water but also due to lack of these things such as calcium, uric acid or other things, due to which stones start forming. Actually, urinary stones are often caused by crystalline liquid, due to which stones often start forming in the kidney. This crystal starts accumulating in the tube connecting the kidney to the urinary tract. Due to which stones start accumulating in the urinary tract.
Causes of urinary stones
Bad lifestyle and physical changes cause stones. People are less physically active during the cold months. Due to which digestion and bowel movement can slow down. Which increases the risk of stone formation. Due to drinking less water and being less physically active, there is also a problem in the pattern of toileting. Which causes stone formation.
Dehydration: According to a research published in the Journal of Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, dehydration is more in winters because people drink less water. Often you underestimate your body’s hydration needs. This makes the stool thick. Which creates an ideal environment for the formation of kidney stones.
Stones can also be caused by diet: Eating more of certain food items such as nuts and nut products, peanuts, spinach, red meat, chicken, cheese and other dairy products during winter can increase the risk of stone formation. These food items are high in oxalate and protein. Which help in the formation of stones.
Symptoms of stones
Decrease in the amount of toilet: Frequent visits to the toilet and a decrease in the amount of urine are signs of kidney stones.
Sharp pain in the lower back or abdomen: If you have sudden pain in these parts and this pain can be severe and sometimes mild.
Bleeding in the blood: Bleeding in the blood is also common due to kidney stones.
Burning and infection in the urinary tract: If there is burning or pain while urinating, then kidney stones and infection may occur.
Causes of kidney stones
Lack of minerals in the body
When minerals like calcium, oxalate, uric acid start forming in the stool, it can cause stones. Excess calcium and oxalate form stones.
Lack of water in the body: One must drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. It keeps the urine clean and prevents the formation of stones in the kidney. If there is a lack of water in the body, the stool becomes thick, then the minerals get solidified and form stones.
Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate your Body Mass Index
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculator to measure body fat which is measured on the basis of a person’s height and weight. To know your BMI, enter your weight and height in this calculator after which your BMI will be calculated.
Is BMI (Body Mass Index) correct or not, where is BMI calculator used?
A healthy person’s weight should be according to his height and a standard is set for this. The ratio of your height and weight is called BMI or Body Mass Index and different calculators are available to measure it. You should know on which formula it works and where it is needed to be used.
What is the formula of Body Mass Index?
There is a simple formula to calculate BMI and for this a person has to enter his weight and height correctly after which BMI= Weight / (Height X Height) or BMI = Weight / (Height Square)
What is the standard of BMI?
Based on a person’s height and weight, if his BMI index is less than 18.5, then it is less than normal. If your BMI level is between 18.5 to 24.9, then it is absolutely fine. If the BMI level is 25 or above, then you should be careful. Such people are at risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes. If your BMI is more than 30, then your body is more suitable for all obesity related diseases.
For whom is the use of BMI calculator not right?
One thing to keep in mind, which is also important, is that BMI should not be used for pregnant women or the elderly and small children, as well as BMI should not be used for body builders and athletes. A big reason for this is that it is not able to do the correct calculation in these cases. The reason behind this is that BMI is not able to understand muscle or fat separately? For example, understand it this way that the weight of pregnant women is not only based on their weight but it also includes the weight of the baby growing in the womb. If your BMI index is less than 18.5 based on your height and weight, then this weight is less than normal and it needs to be increased. The ideal level of BMI is considered to be between 18.5 to 24.9. People whose BMI falls between this level need to maintain it. There is a need to be alert if the BMI is 25 or more because people with this BMI level are at risk of diabetes type 2, heart disease or stroke. On the other hand, if the BMI is more than 30, then your body is at a great risk of side effects caused by obesity.
What are the limits of BMI?
An important thing is that the basis of a healthy body and standard weight cannot be only BMI. Age and gender also affect BMI i.e. body mass index. BMI can be considered as the ratio of your body height and weight. BMI can be used to find out whether your body weight is appropriate for your height or not, but it has its own limitations. BMI cannot tell how much fat is deposited in which part of your body. According to experts, BMI is definitely an indicator of healthy body weight, but it also has some limitations. BMI cannot accurately assess the overall proportion or structure of a person. Everyone’s body is different due to muscle, bone weight and fat and it is not appropriate to assume whether a person has a healthy body or not based only on the standard BMI.
Why are the limits of BMI different for adults?
As we have already told you about BMI, it cannot be completely accurate. BMI shows the measurement of excess body weight, it cannot detect excess fat in the body. BMI is affected by factors such as age, gender, muscle mass and body fat. For example, an adult who is of a healthy weight as per the BMI standards but does not exercise or workout in his daily routine is likely to have excess fat accumulation in his body. In such a situation, even if he does not have excess weight in his body and is in the ideal condition based on the BMI level, that person cannot be considered healthy. A younger person with the same BMI and high muscle structure will be considered healthy, in this way there are different limits for body mass index i.e. BMI for adults.