In Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, police have arrested six accused including sealed pack mobiles worth 50 lakhs, cash worth 10.5 lakhs, 2 laptops, a Brezza car. 15 days ago, about 800 mobiles were stolen by breaking the electronic lock of a container with the help of YouTube. Police have recovered 202 new mobiles of Motorola company. Three accused are still absconding in this case. Goods worth 1.75 crores were smuggled from the container with the connivance of the container driver. Now, Ikdil police, crime branch, surveillance team have got success in this case. SSP has given a reward of 25 thousand to the police team.
According to the information, thieves had cleverly stolen about 800 mobiles of Motorola company from a container loaded with mobiles going from Delhi to Kolkata at Narayan Dhaba in police station Ikdil area and fled. On the basis of the complaint of the company manager, Etawah SSP had deployed three police teams to reveal this case.
Police has got success after raids by police teams in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and other places. Police has recovered about 202 new sealed pack mobiles of stolen Motorola company and cash worth Rs 10.50 lakh, which was obtained by selling mobile phones. Two laptops and other electronic materials have been recovered from the arrested accused. Which were used in carrying out the theft.
These accused arrested
Giving information, SSP Sanjay Kumar Verma said that the arrested accused are student type thieves. Who have carried out such incidents earlier also. Rohit son of Rambala Gautam resident of Gotiya police station Safipur Unnao, Rajveer son of Brahmadev Sisodia resident of Brahmaveer Nagar police station Atrauli Aligarh, Mohit son of Makhanlal Gautam resident of Baragaon police station Pilua Etah, Vijay Kumar son of Darshan Pal resident of Veernagar police station Awagarh Etah, Chandpur Iqbal Khan resident of Jalsami police station Kotwali Etah.
Equipment recovered from the accused
202 sealed pack mobile phones, cash worth Rs. 10.5 lakh, two laptops, a Brezza car and other electronic equipment used in the theft have been recovered from Nagendra Singh son of Lal Singh Sisodia resident of Baragaon police station Pilua Etah. Soon other accused involved in this incident will be arrested. A cash reward of Rs. 25,000 is also being given to all three police teams.
The method was learned from YouTube
Giving information, SSP Sanjay Kumar Verma said that the police teams have arrested all these accused after a lot of hard work by conducting raids in various districts of Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh. The accused told during interrogation that they have three more accomplices who are absconding. He told that these people stole the mobile phones by opening the digital lock in the container with the help of YouTube and then sealed the boxes of those mobiles in such a way as if they had come out of the company. The container was going from Delhi to Kolkata.