A big news has come from Pune, Maharashtra. Here an uncontrolled trailer collided with about 12 to 15 vehicles at high speed. 5 people are reported to be seriously injured in this accident. Many vehicles have been damaged due to being hit by the trailer. This heart-wrenching incident happened on Shikrapur Chakan Highway. CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced, in which it can be seen that the trailer collides directly with the vehicles without stopping on the highway.
People beat up the driver fiercely
According to the information received, the accident happened today at around 1 pm. After the accident, after the container trailer stopped, people beat up the driver who was driving it. After this, the people handed him over to the police, who has now been sent to the government hospital for investigation. The police have started investigating the matter. This accident has once again highlighted the importance of road safety and the dangers of driving at high speed.
After the brakes failed, the trailer entered the food mall directly. Let us tell you that a month ago, a similar tragic accident happened on the Pune-Mumbai Expressway when an uncontrolled trailer entered the food mall at high speed. One person also died in this accident. Many people were injured. Apart from this, many vehicles were also damaged after being hit by the trailer. CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced, in which it can be seen that the trailer enters the food mall directly without stopping. In this video, the trailer hit a person from the front. People were eating food in the food mall. Passengers were stopping and eating food in the food mall built on the Pune-Mumbai Expressway
Then suddenly this trailer at high speed entered the food mall directly, colliding with three vehicles parked outside the mall with a large container. Due to this accident, 5 small and big restaurants built inside this mall became its victims. During this, the passengers present in the food mall were initially not able to understand how to save their lives. A 19-year-old worker named Indradev Paswan, who worked in the food mall, died on the spot after coming under the uncontrolled trailer. Around 15 passengers, including small children, were injured in the stampede that followed the accident.