Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday accused BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri’s nephew of intimidating and attacking Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers in Kalkaji constituency. In a letter to an Election Commission official, Atishi alleged that Bidhuri’s nephew was engaged in hooliganism to influence the ongoing electoral process. According to the Delhi Chief Minister, the nephew threatened AAP workers, saying, “Sit at home, otherwise we will break your hands and legs. This is our election.”
Atishi wrote a letter to the election officer
She has demanded the Election Commission to deploy paramilitary forces in Kalkaji to ensure the safety of voters and party workers. However, no official response has been issued by Ramesh Bidhuri or the BJP on Atishi’s allegation yet.
Ramesh Bidhuri had made allegations against Atishi
BJP’s Ramesh Bidhuri has been fielded against Atishi from Kalkaji constituency in the Delhi elections. Earlier, the BJP leader had earlier stirred up a controversy with his remarks on Atishi, saying that “she changed her father”. The controversy erupted after Bidhuri accused Atishi of changing her identity for political gain. Bidhuri’s remarks on Atishi were condemned by AAP leaders.
The Delhi elections will see a fierce triangular contest between AAP, BJP and Congress. Before the elections, the series of statements and allegations continues among the major political parties. All parties do not miss a single opportunity to attack each other. On one hand, the ruling AAP, which is facing corruption charges, will be eyeing a hat-trick, while the BJP and Congress are also in the electoral fray with full force for victory. Let us tell you that voting for 70 assembly seats in Delhi will be held on February 5 and the counting of votes will be done on February 8.