Delhi’s Shraddha Walker murder case shocked the whole country. In such a situation, a similar case has now come from Hyderabad, Telangana. According to the information received from the police, a former army personnel and currently working as a security guard in the city killed his wife and boiled the pieces of her body in a pressure cooker.
According to the information, the police arrested the husband of a 35-year-old woman on suspicion of murder. However, during interrogation, the young man made a shocking claim, hearing which the police was also surprised. During interrogation, the young man told that he boiled the body parts of his wife in a pressure cooker and then threw them in the lake.
Committed this crime after a quarrel
The police said that it is suspected that the husband has committed this crime after a quarrel with his wife. However, he said that the full details of the incident will be known only after further investigation. The deceased went missing about a week ago and her parents lodged a complaint with the police. According to the information received from the police, the name of the accused is Guru Murthy. Guru is currently working as a security guard in Kanchanbagh. Earlier he was serving in the army and has retired. Guru Murthy was married to Venkat Madhavi 13 years ago. Both have two children.
Shraddha Walker murder case
Shraddha Walker was strangled to death by her 28-year-old lover and live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala in Delhi on 18 May 2022. After this, the face was burnt and the body was cut into 35 pieces to hide her identity. Poonawala was arrested by Delhi Police on 12 November 2022. Shraddha’s father has demanded death penalty for Aftab.