A disgusting incident of rape has come to light from Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan. An elderly man raped a minor girl who came to clean the house. After the incident, the accused gave Rs 1500 to the victim and threatened her to keep quiet.
When the condition of the victim seemed suspicious, the local people got suspicious. They knocked on the gate of the accused’s house and dragged him out of the house and beat him fiercely. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot, but by then the accused had fled. A video of the assault has also surfaced. In the video, it can be seen that the crowd is beating the accused fiercely.
Police registered the case
The victim’s family has registered a case of rape against the accused. According to the victim, the accused had committed this heinous crime with her several times. The police have registered a case under the POCSO Act and started searching for the accused. The victim is being medically examined and her age is said to be 14 years.
Local people’s allegations
Local people say that they already suspected the accused of molesting girls. When the victim went to the accused’s house, he closed the gate, which made people more suspicious. They called the victim’s family and got the gate opened. When the victim told the whole incident, people beat up the accused.
He used to live alone in the house
The accused runs a clinic in Jhunjhunu, which has been closed for a long time. He used to live alone in his house and the victim used to go to his house temporarily to clean.