A shocking case has come to light from Buldhana district of Maharashtra. A 32-year-old pregnant woman here has been diagnosed with a very rare and shocking condition, which is called ‘fetus inside fetus’ in medical terms. This is an extremely unique condition, in which a deformed fetus is located inside another fetus. This case is extremely rare in the whole world and has been detected in only a few cases.
One such case in millions
In fact, when a 35-week pregnant woman went to Buldhana District Women’s Hospital for her routine checkup a few days ago, the doctors saw this unusual condition during the ultrasound. Dr. Prasad Agarwal, Obstetrician and Gynecologist of the hospital, said that this is a case which is known as ‘fetus in fetus’ in the medical world and this condition is found only in one out of one lakh or one out of five lakh cases.
How many cases in the world?
Dr. Agarwal said that this is one of the rarest cases in the world and so far only 200 cases have been detected in the whole world. Some of these cases have been identified in India as well, the number of which is between 10 to 15. Dr. Agarwal said, “In this case, I was shocked to see another fetus-like structure in the stomach of the normal fetus. This was absolutely abnormal.”
The woman was referred for treatment
This condition is known as ‘fetus in fetus’ and when this condition occurs, the fetus related to it is often found in a developed and deformed form. The doctors also took opinion from other experts and radiologist Dr. Shruti Thorat also confirmed this condition. Hospital officials said that the woman has been referred to a medical center in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar for safe delivery process and further treatment.