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DRDO and Indian Navy successfully test fired first of its kind naval anti-ship missile from Integrated Test Range (ITR) Chandipur off the coast of Odisha for the first time

India has successfully test-fired first of its kind naval anti-ship missile from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) Chandipur off the coast of Odisha. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Navy successfully flight tested the Naval Anti-Ship Missile (NASM-SR) for the first time. Through the testing, the missile’s ability to attack ships, launched from the Navy’s Sea King helicopter, was tested.

The missile’s man-in-loop technology was validated in this testing, in which the missile hit a small target near the sea with maximum accuracy through sea-skimming mode at maximum distance. The missile uses indigenous imaging infra-red seeker, which provides target identification and guidance in the final phase.

First targeting a large target, then a small target
The mission also demonstrated a high bandwidth two-way data link system, which also provided live images of the missile’s camera to the pilot during the flight, which helped re-fix the target. In this testing, the missile was fired in bearing-only lock-on after launch mode, which had the ability to select one of several potential targets.

In the initial phase The missile focused its attention on a large target, but in the final stage the pilot chose a small and hidden target, which the missile targeted with great accuracy. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated DRDO, Navy and industry on this successful testing.

What is the specialty of the missile

Indigenous fiber optic gyroscope based inertial navigation system (INS) and radio altimeter have been used to prepare this missile. Also, it is controlled by integrated avionics module, aerodynamic and jet vane with electro-mechanical actuators. It includes thermal batteries, PCB warhead and solid propulsion system, which includes in-line ejectable booster and long-burn sustainer.

All the targets of the mission were successfully completed. This missile has been developed by different DRDO labs namely Research Centre Imarat (RCI), Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL) and Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL). It is being manufactured by Development cum Production Partners with the help of MSMEs, Startups and other production partners.

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