Tehran: Iran has suddenly lifted the ban imposed on Google Play and WhatsApp in its country after nearly 2 years. The Iranian government announced on Tuesday that it has lifted the ban imposed on ‘WhatsApp’ and ‘Google Play’ after more than two years. The government news agency IRNA gave this information in its news. The news said that the country’s ‘Supreme Council of Cyberspace’ took this decision in a meeting chaired by President Masoud Pezeshkian.
The President has resolved to lift the ban on social media. Iran’s Communications Minister Sattar Hashemi, in a post on the social media platform ‘X’, described this decision as the “first step” towards lifting the ban and hinted at lifting the ban on other services, saying that more such steps would be taken. Many people in the capital Tehran and other cities told the ‘Associated Press’ that they are able to take advantage of both the above services on the computer but are still not able to start this service on mobile phones.