An encounter has been done in Punjabi Bagh area of Delhi. The police team has taken action against two criminals. The names of both the criminals are Rinku and Rohit, against whom many cases are already registered. Both the criminals had carried out an armed robbery in Harinagar area of Delhi.
Carried out major crimes in many states
Both the criminals have carried out major crimes in many states including Delhi. Recently, both the criminals had carried out a robbery in Indore, Madhya Pradesh on the strength of weapons.
The criminals opened fire on the police team
The Special Staff and AATS Unit of Delhi Police got an input that two wanted criminals were going to leave Punjabi Bagh area of Delhi. The police team laid a trap in the area around 4:30 am today. Both the criminals were asked to surrender, but the criminals took out pistols and fired at the police team.
The police shot the criminals in their legs
On the other hand, in retaliation, the police also fired several rounds, in which two bullets hit the legs of both the criminals. Both of them have been arrested along with the pistol.