After the violence in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh, the police is in super action mode. So far, the police has sent 50 rioters behind bars. Along with this, the police has also started the work of building police posts in the most sensitive areas of Sambhal. On Saturday, the construction work of the police post has started near Jama Masjid.
The post will be built in front of the house of SP MP
At the same time, preparations are being made to build the next police post in front of the house of Samajwadi Party MP Zia-ur-Rehman Bark. Here, after 46 years, worship has started in the temple of Bajrangbali. Also, a well has been found in front of the temple, which is just 200 meters away from Bark’s house.
The administration has to give this strong message
In such a situation, the administration has decided to build a police post, looking at the situation. The construction of this post will help the police a lot in restoring peace and tranquility in the area. Because in Khaggu Sarai, where the police post is going to be built. There, worship has started again in the temple of Bajrangbali which was closed for 46 years. By setting up a police post, the administration wants to send a strong message to those who spoil the atmosphere.
The aim is to curb the incidents of electricity theft as well
Along with this, the main work of the administration is to restore peace and harmony in the area. The second is to curb the incidents of electricity theft. The third work is to provide security to the employees of the government department.
The name of the police post has been kept as ‘Satyavrat’
Let us tell you that while laying the foundation of the police post being built in front of Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal on Saturday morning, mantras were chanted and in the evening the local women lit lamps there and prayed for everyone’s safety. This police post is being built in the field in front of Jama Masjid. This police post has been named ‘Satyavrat Police Post’. This is because it is being claimed that in the Satyug, Sambhal was known as Satyavrat Nagar. In ancient books, Sambhal is mentioned as Satyavrat Nagar.
Police post being built on 1100 square yards of land
This police post is being built in Kotgarvi locality near Jama Masjid of Sambhal. The police post is being constructed on 1100 square yards of land. This locality of Sambhal is counted in the list of highly sensitive areas. The administration is now trying to bring the area out of the category of highly sensitive by building a police post here.