In Bihar’s capital Patna, the police and BPSC candidates have come face to face. Jansuraj Party workers are gathering with students in Gandhi Maidan, Patna and protesting. At the same time, the police is trying to stop the students. Prashant Kishore had called upon the students to gather in Gandhi Maidan, Patna on Saturday. However, the police did not allow the students to hold a student parliament. Despite this, students and Jansuraj Party workers have gathered in Gandhi Maidan. The police asked the students to vacate Gandhi Maidan, but the students started sloganeering. A large group of Jansuraj Party workers reached Gandhi Maidan with poster banners.
The protesters broke the police barricades and reached near the Gandhi statue. The protesting students are demanding to conduct the BPSC examination again. At the same time, the government is not accepting their demand. This is why there is a ruckus here. The deadlock between the students and the administration continues.
Students proposed to meet with BPSC officials
The candidates have been protesting for more than a week demanding cancellation of the 70th Integrated Combined Competitive Examination (CCE), 2024 conducted by BPSC due to allegations of question paper leak. The Patna district administration has proposed to hold a meeting of the candidates demanding cancellation of the Bihar Public Service Commission examination held on December 13 with the commission officials so that they can put forward their grievances. Patna District Magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh said on Saturday that the protesters will have to nominate their five representatives for talks, after which the BPSC will take a decision (for the meeting) “within a reasonable time”. The district administration has asked the protesting candidates to give a list of their representatives (all examinees) so that we can get them to meet with BPSC officials on this issue. They can apprise the commission officials of their grievances in the meeting. The district administration also assures the protesting candidates that the commission will take an appropriate decision or stand within a reasonable time.