The central government has approved Rs 200 crore for the ‘Unity Mall’ project in Chhattisgarh. Officials gave this information on Wednesday. Officials said that this mall is being set up to promote the ‘One District One Product’ (ODOP) model in the state and to promote the sale of local products. He said that the central government has approved Rs 200 crore, out of which Rs 100 crore has been provided to the state in advance under capital expenditure.
Local products and employment will get a boost
On this approval of the central government, Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai said that the establishment of ‘Unity Mall’ will encourage local handicraftsmen, weavers and self-help groups and will create new employment opportunities. He said that the display and sale of products in the mall will encourage handicraftsmen and benefit small entrepreneurs, craftsmen and weavers of the state. Sai said that it will act as a ‘one stop market place’ for the promotion and sale of local products.
- This mall is special in these ways-
The Chief Minister said that this mall is a revolutionary step for the development of the poor, youth, farmers, and women power of the state. - The CM said that along with taking the economy of the state to new heights, it will also promote employment generation at the local level and it will also encourage ‘Make in India’ and national unity.
- The Chief Minister said that the Chhattisgarh government considers important topics like national integration and ‘Make in India’ along with the development of the people of the state as its priority.
- He said that important local products of all other states will also be displayed and sold in the mall to be set up in the state, which will strengthen national unity and increase economic and cultural exchange between different states.