Those who uploaded fake and edited videos of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on social media have been caught. The police have called all of them for questioning. Let us tell you that recently, action was taken against about 12 accounts by Maharashtra Cyber Cell for circulating the video of Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on social media in a wrong manner, some of which have been identified.
Video was received from WhatsApp group
During the investigation, the cyber cell has come to know that a person named Varad Tukaram Kanki, who lives in Worli, Mumbai, had made the objectionable content viral. Initial investigation shows that Kanki got this video through a WhatsApp group. Further investigation has identified Padmakar Ambolkar, who is also a resident of Worli, Mumbai. He first uploaded the video in the group.
Search for others continues
While on one hand the accused identified in this case have been called for questioning, on the other hand, others are being searched. Let us inform you that the accused have been booked under sections 353(1)(b), 356(2), 192, 3(5) of the BNS, 2023 and section 67 of the IT Act.