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West Bengal: Mamata Banerjee government minister Babul Supriyo and BJP MP Abhijit Ganguly clashed on the road at night over honking the car horn, there was a heated argument between the two leaders for about 15 minutes.

On Friday night in West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee’s minister Babul Supriyo and BJP MP Abhijit Ganguly clashed with each other on the road. There was a fierce argument between the two. There was a heated argument between the two leaders for about 15-20 minutes. According to the information received, Babul Supriyo was going to his home in Howrah by car. At the same time, Abhijit Ganguly’s car was also going from Kolkata to Howrah. At the same time, both the leaders clashed with each other on the road over blowing the horn.

Babul Supriya claimed that he was returning by driving himself. Then a car was coming from behind at a high speed blowing the horn. It tried to overtake Babul Supriyo’s car. At that time Babul Supriyo asked the driver of the other car to drive properly.

Babul claims that he told the driver of the other car, “Why are you driving like this? You will kill people! If it collides with my car, there will be an accident. The Trinamool MLA claimed that at the same time, someone from behind the other car shouted, “Chala de, chala de.” That is, tell the driver to move the car forward.

Babul and BJP MP clashed in the middle of the road

After this, when the other car moved forward, Babul Supriyo stopped it again. He claimed that the BJP MP from Tamluk was sitting in the back seat of the car at that time. The Trinamool leader claimed that ‘MP Tamluk’ was also written on the car. Babul Supriyo said that when he saw the MP, he went behind the car and tried to talk to him. Ask the driver to drive properly.

Babul Supriyo claimed that at that time the MP had said to him, ‘Whatever he did, he did well!’ Babul Supriyo claimed that he was also misbehaved with. Then a crowd of local people gathered on the grumbling of both the leaders. Local people claim, then Babul Supriyo asked the MP to apologize. He also said that without apologizing, he would not let the MP’s car move forward.

There was a heated argument between the minister and the MP
Babul Supriyo claimed that the MP, far from apologizing to him, abused him again. The Trinamool MLA claimed that the BJP MP also told him that “what I have said is done, I will say it again.” Babul Supriyo was also allegedly warned to ‘take care’. According to local sources, this argument continued for about 15-20 minutes. Babul claimed that the MP did not get off the car. Did not apologize.

On the other hand, Abhijit Ganguly said that if there was reckless speed, the police would have taken action. He claimed that Babul Supriyo saw ‘MP Tamluk’ written in front of the car. Seeing this, Babul Supriyo drove his car fast and stopped in front of his car. On the contrary, Babul himself started abusing the MP from his car in front of the BJP MP’s claim.

According to him, at first he did not understand that Babul Supriyo was in that car. When the minister got out of the car, he understood. The MP also claimed that during the argument, Babul Supriyo put his hand in the car window. Abhijit Ganguly said, as a result, his mobile phone fell from his hand and suffered some damage.

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