In RIMS hospital of Jharkhand’s capital Ranchi, a SAP jawan raped a girl. The victim had come to the hospital to get her boyfriend treated. The accused jawan threatened her and took her to the fourth floor of the hospital. There he raped her after finding a deserted place. The victim informed her boyfriend about the matter, after which a complaint was made to the police. The police have registered a case and arrested the accused SAP jawan.
After the incident, there is a stir in the hospital. Rajendra Institute of Medical Science (RIMS) hospital is the biggest hospital in the state. Everyone is shocked by this shameful incident that happened here. People say that when the guards deployed here to protect the patients and their attendants do such acts, then how will people be able to protect themselves. The victim is about 20 years old. She is a resident of Chatra district.
She had come to RIMS to get her boyfriend treated
According to the information, the girl from Chatra district of Jharkhand had come to RIMS, the biggest hospital in the state, to get her boyfriend treated. Late Thursday night, she and her lover slept there as they did not get a place. Meanwhile, SAP jawan Santosh Kumar Barla reached there and threatened both of them and asked what are you guys doing here. He said that he has to interrogate you, so come with him. Saying this, he forcibly took the girl with him to a deserted place on the fourth floor of the hospital.
Rape committed by SAP jawan
It is alleged that after going there, the SAP jawan raped the girl. Along with this, he also threatened to kill her if she mentioned the incident. Meanwhile, the victim girl, frightened by the shameful incident that happened with her late at night, finally informed her lover about the whole matter. After this, the matter was reported to Bariatu police station. The police have registered a case against the accused SAP jawan. The police have immediately arrested the accused SAP jawan Santosh Kumar Barla.
Molestation incidents have happened earlier as well
Before the incident of rape of a female patient by Saif Jawan in Rajendra Institute of Medical Science (RIMS) hospital, in September 2024, a case of molestation of a female junior resident doctor of RIMS hospital in the lift also came to light. However, when the female junior doctor raised an alarm, the people present there caught the accused. After the case was registered in Bariatu police station, the accused was sent to jail. RIMS hospital is the largest hospital in the state. Patients from 24 districts of Jharkhand as well as from neighboring states including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Bengal and other states reach here in large numbers for treatment.