About 10 days ago, a man living in Bengaluru, Karnataka disappeared overnight. His wife filed a missing person report. She also came live on social media and asked people for help to find her husband. Still, nothing could be found about the husband. But after 10 days, the young man was suddenly found in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. When the Bengaluru police started taking him back, he became adamant. He said- send me to jail or kill me. But I will not go back to my wife.
The police were also surprised to hear the young man’s words. When they asked the young man the reason for this, he started crying bitterly. He said- Sir, I have left home on my own will. My wife has made my life hell. She tortures me. She does not let me do anything of my choice. If a grain of rice or a piece of roti falls from my plate, she screams. I have to wear clothes according to her. I cannot even go alone for tea. Fed up with all this, I ran away from home. Now I don’t want to go back.
This young man’s name is Vipin. According to Vipin, his wife harasses and tortures him a lot. Due to this he ran away from there. He said, I am her second husband. When I met her three years ago, she was divorced and she also had a 12-year-old daughter. I was single and was ready to marry her. We also have an eight-month-old daughter. Vipin said – But the beautiful dreams of marriage that I used to see, my wife shattered all those dreams. She tortures me. Now I want to live alone. I am happy like this. Changed appearance, started living a different life
When the police found Vipin outside the mall, his appearance had changed. He had shaved his hair. When the police asked him about this, he told that his wife had uploaded his photos and videos online and also spread the news of his disappearance. That’s why he changed his appearance. He told that on August 4, he went to Tirupati by bus. After this he went to Bhubaneshwar by train and from there to Delhi and from Delhi to Noida. Now what Vipin does next, only time will tell.