Delhi Vidhan Sabha Chunav 2025: UP CM Yogi Adityanath addressed the first meeting on Thursday (January 23) regarding the Delhi Assembly Elections 2025. He held a rally in favor of BJP candidate Bajrang Shukla in Kiradi. During this, CM Yogi attacked the Aam Aadmi Party for helping infiltrators and the law and order of Delhi. At the same time, now Arvind Kejriwal has hit back at CM Yogi.
Aam Aadmi Party’s national convener Arvind Kejriwal posted on his ‘X’ handle and said, “Yogi ji, guide Amit Shah. Today Yogi ji has raised questions on the law and order of Delhi. I agree with him that the law and order in Delhi is very bad, the law and order is under Amit Shah. Delhi is occupied by 11 gangsters. He should guide Amit Shah on how to fix the law and order.”
Yogi ji should guide Amit Shah ji ‼️
Today Yogi ji has raised questions on the law and order of Delhi. I agree with him that the law and order in Delhi is very bad, the law and order is under Amit Shah.
Delhi is occupied by 11 Gangsters. They should guide Amit Shah that…
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) January 23, 2025
What did CM Yogi say?
While addressing the public meeting, Yogi Adityanath said that the complicity of Aam Aadmi Party councilors in the 2020 riots has been completely exposed. These people are playing with national security. They have no right to come to power. CM Yogi said that the roads of Noida are better than the roads of Delhi. Yogi Adityanath called Aam Aadmi Party an ATM of lies and accused them of cheating.
Yogi said that Kejriwal also betrayed his guru Anna Hazare. He is betraying the country and the people. CM Yogi said that I want to ask Kejriwal in Delhi whether he can go and take a bath in Yamuna with his ministers? I don’t think he should be forgiven in the court of the people. This is the capital, what is the condition of roads, water and electricity in Delhi if we leave aside the NDMC area.
A decade ago, people used to come to Delhi for facilities like roads, metro and cleanliness, but what has been done today, it is difficult to tell whether there is a pothole in the road or the road is in the pothole.