Asaram has got interim bail from Rajasthan High Court in Jodhpur case. Earlier he had got bail in Gujarat case. Asaram has got interim bail after 12 years 8 months 21 days and he has come out of jail. Even after coming out after so many years his old attitude was seen. High Court has given him interim bail on some conditions.
Asaram has been sent out of jail on interim bail till 31st March by Rajasthan High Court. As soon as his supporters got the news of Asaram getting interim bail from Rajasthan High Court division bench, they reached outside the hospital in large numbers and celebrated by bursting crackers. Rajasthan High Court has given him interim bail due to health related reasons. During this time he will be able to get his treatment done at a place of his choice.
Asaram’s old attitude was seen
After the order came, Asaram was left in the private Ayurveda hospital located in Bhagat Ki Kothi area. Here he was admitted on parole for the last few weeks. Asaram’s supporters were seen dancing happily outside the hospital. Asaram greeted his supporters from the hospital window. Asaram got bail after 12 years, but his attitude was the same as before. Asaram was seen wearing a red turban made of rose flowers as before.
Interim bail granted on these conditions
Asaram has got final bail on some conditions. Among these, three policemen will be with Asaram and Asaram will have to bear the expenses of these policemen. Apart from this, Asaram will not be able to gather a large crowd and preach. Along with this, Asaram will not try to tamper with the evidence and influence the witnesses. Earlier, Asaram got interim bail from the Supreme Court in the Gujarat case. Now in the Jodhpur case, the division bench of Rajasthan High Court has granted interim bail to Asaram. In such a situation, it is being speculated that after getting interim bail, Asaram can go to Maha Kumbh.