Bihar: RJD has announced the name of the candidate for the MLC election of Tirhut Graduate constituency. RJD has made Gopi Kishan its candidate. State spokesperson Ejaz Ahmed gave this information by issuing a press release on Sunday. The press release said that ‘As per the instructions of Rashtriya Janata Dal National President Lalu Prasad, after the consent of Leader of Opposition Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, Gopi Kishan father Kedarnath Prasad has been made the authorized candidate of Rashtriya Janata Dal from 04 Tirhut Graduate constituency’.
Seat vacated due to Devesh Chandra Thakur going to Parliament
The fight of Tirhut Graduate constituency is going to be interesting. Actually, JDU’s newly elected MP from this seat, Devesh Chandra Thakur, used to be a member of Bihar Legislative Council. After the victory of Devesh Chandra Thakur from Sitamarhi in the Lok Sabha elections, this seat of Tirhut Graduate quota has become vacant. Let us tell you that JDU has been occupying the Tirhut Graduate seat for the last 22 years, so JDU has made Abhishek Jha, the party leader and spokesperson, the NDA supported candidate on this seat.
Now, the Mahagathbandhan has fielded RJD’s candidate from Tirhut Graduate seat. Rashtriya Janata Dal has fielded Gopi Kishan from Tirhut Graduate constituency. There is still time for the election, so all the political parties are busy making strategies for the victory of their candidates.
Young candidates are in the area
Political experts believe that due to not having many voters in this election, the election enthusiasm is less, but this election is very important for becoming a member of the Upper House. In such a situation, while JDU has expressed confidence in the young face, Rashtriya Janata Dal has also given a chance to a young candidate on this seat.