CM Atishi Files Nomination: Aam Aadmi Party candidate Chief Minister Atishi has filed her nomination from Kalkaji seat for Delhi Assembly Elections 2025. During this, Atishi said that ‘I have filed my nomination from Kalkaji assembly. I have received love from the people of Kalkaji. Hope to get love this time too.’
Atishi also targeted BJP candidate from New Delhi seat Pravesh Verma on this occasion. She said, “The whole country saw, TV ran it live, Pravesh Verma is distributing 1100 rupees. After this, Pravesh Verma tweeted and posted that he is doing a health camp. Then he is distributing chaadar in Kidwai Nagar. The Election Commission does not see any violation in that. The question arises that who is the police with. The Election Commission has assured free and fair elections. Otherwise the question will arise that there is something fishy.”
I got a lot of love from the people of Kalkaji – Atishi
Earlier on Monday, CM Atishi reached Kalkaji temple and took darshan. After this, Atishi prayed at Giri Nagar Gurudwara and then took out a rally. CM Atishi said, “Today people from different parts of Kalkaji have come here to support us. The people of Delhi know that if anyone has worked in Delhi, then only AAP has done it. On one hand there is work and on the other hand there is politics of abuse. The people of Delhi are very intelligent. They know that they want leaders who work. In the last five years, I have got a lot of love from the people of Kalkaji.”
Know about Kalkaji seat
Dalit and Punjabi vote bank have more influence on Kalkaji seat of Delhi. In the last two elections (ie 2015 and 2020), Aam Aadmi Party has been winning from here. Earlier, Congress had an MLA on this seat for 10 years. At the same time, Shiromani Akali Dal had won the election from here once in the year 2013.