Congress leader and former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday made a big statement in the murder case of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur. Bhupesh Baghel said that Suresh Chandrakar had not killed any journalist as long as he was with us. After joining the BJP, he got the strength to kill the journalist. Accused Suresh Chandrakar has political patronage. He alleged that the government is protecting corrupt officials and contractors.
He has criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government for allegedly failing to protect journalists in the state. His remarks came after the murder of Bijapur district journalist Mukesh Chandrakar.
Baghel said, “This murder is a clear message from the BJP government that if anyone exposes their corruption, he will be killed. Journalists are being silenced for questioning the wrongdoings of the government.” Baghel made these allegations against the government
Citing a previous incident, Baghel said the way Jaitkham, an iconic religious symbol for the Satnami community, was damaged in Girodpuri village in June last year has exposed the BJP government.
He said the community demanded a CBI inquiry so that the real culprit could be caught. However, the government did not conduct a CBI inquiry and the accused has not been caught till date.
He alleged that the government instead put hundreds of youths of the Satnami community in jail. The former chief minister said that anyone who raises voice against this government will be crushed. This is the message being given.
Outrage over journalist’s murder Mukesh’s body was found in a septic tank on Friday, two days after he went missing. The tank was built on the property of accused Suresh Chandrakar. After the murder, the body was allegedly dumped in the tank and covered with cement. The incident sent shockwaves across Chhattisgarh and sparked widespread outrage and condemnation, following which the police arrested the accused, Suresh Chandrakar, a contractor and a relative of Mukesh.
Concerns rise over safety of journalists
The incident has led to growing concerns over the safety of journalists in Chhattisgarh. Several journalist associations and organisations condemned the killing and demanded justice for Mukesh and more security for journalists in the state. The government must take immediate action to ensure the safety of journalists. “We will not tolerate any attempt to silence us,” said a spokesperson for the Chhattisgarh Patrakar Sangh.
Meanwhile, the police have set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the killing, with state Home Minister Vijay Sharma promising a speedy trial and severe punishment to the culprits.
“We will make every effort to ensure justice for Mukesh Chandrakar, but the Congress must explain how the accused became a member of the party. They cannot ignore these allegations,” he said.