Delhi Crime: There was a stir in Delhi on Wednesday (January 29) after a suspicious vehicle was found. When the police searched the vehicle, cash, several liquor bottles and Aam Aadmi Party pamphlets were recovered from it. According to Delhi Police, a vehicle with Punjab number plate was found parked near Punjab Bhawan on Copernicus Marg, on which ‘Punjab Government’ was written.
At present, the police have seized the vehicle and started investigating the matter. Appropriate legal action is being taken in this regard at Police Station Tilak Marg, New Delhi District.
Liquor bottles along with cash recovered from car in Delhi
Giving information, Delhi Police said, “Today we have found a car which has Punjab number and ‘Punjab Government’ is written on it. We found a few lakh cash, several liquor bottles and AAP pamphlets in it. A case is being registered in this regard.”
Delhi Police investigation continues
However, the police is trying to find out whose car it is and for what purpose it was being used? Along with this, efforts are also being made to identify the people involved in it. Further investigation is going on in this matter.
Large amount of cash recovered from many places before Delhi elections
Delhi Police has seized more than Rs 1.87 crore in cash in different operations ahead of the assembly elections in the national capital of the country. Police said that the Railway Unit, North-West and South-West District Police have collectively seized the amount by conducting separate operations.
According to a statement from Delhi Police, the seized cash is suspected to be linked to illegal activities and was recovered during routine patrolling and monitoring of elections. Voting will be held on all 70 seats of Delhi on February 5, while the results will be declared on February 8.