New Delhi: Delhi Police had launched a special campaign to crack down on bike riders who perform stunts and create nuisance. This campaign was named ‘Operation Bullet Raja’ by Delhi Police and under this, a case has been registered against 35 motorcycle riders. Giving information about this on Wednesday, an officer said that this operation which started on the evening of 31 December, ended on the morning of 1 January. He said that under this, the police cracked down on such bike riders who used illegally modified silencers which produced a very loud sound.
Operation was conducted against these bike riders
According to reports, the police took this action against bike riders with modified silencers and stunts in Jamia Nagar area of south-east Delhi. Those bike riders who created a lot of nuisance also came under the purview of this operation of Delhi Police. Deputy Commissioner of Police (South-East) Ravi Kumar Singh said, ‘This operation started on the evening of December 31 and ended on the morning of January 1.’ The police had started this operation to deal with careless bike riders, especially those who ride Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycles with replaced silencers.
‘Many accused counseled for stunts’
The Deputy Commissioner of Police said, ‘Under the campaign, cases were registered against 35 bike riders for violating various sections of the Motor Vehicles Act. These offenders were using illegally replaced silencers, which produced very loud noise and often performed dangerous stunts in crowded areas.’ He said that many accused were also counseled about stunts etc. According to the police, 673 persons were detained for illegal activities on New Year’s Eve, 131 vehicles were seized and cases were registered against 93 people under the Excise Act.