There is a need to be cautious so that no one steals your belongings during checking in the scanning machine at the metro. One such incident has happened at Karol Bagh Metro Station in Delhi where a woman stole a bag full of jewelery worth Rs 15 lakh during the checking by the X-ray machine. Police has arrested two people. Deputy Commissioner of Police Dr. G Ram Gopal Nayak said that both the accused have been identified as Mannonit Dang (30) and Salik Mahali (29), residents of Jharkhand.
When a bag of the complainant was stolen at Karol Bagh Metro Station, he reported it through the online platform ‘(e-FIR)’ on December 26. The bag contained precious jewelery. Taking advantage of the crowd of passengers, this theft was carried out during the security check on the X-ray machine.
Woman seen lifting bag in CCTV
A case was registered at Rajouri Garden Metro Police Station under Section 303(2) (theft) of the Indian Penal Code (BNS) and a team was constituted under Inspector Mahesh Chandra. The team conducted a thorough investigation and surveillance of CCTV footage of various metro stations. In the CCTV footage, a woman passenger was seen lifting the bag from the ‘scanning machine’ along with her companion and then exiting the Kashmiri Gate metro station. Then through technical surveillance and intelligence, the suspected woman was traced in Rajendra Nagar, Delhi and after that she was arrested on December 28.
Bag full of jewellery recovered from the possession of the accused
The officer said that further investigation revealed that after the theft, his accomplice Salik Mahali fled to Ahmedabad and was caught and brought back to Delhi on December 30. He said that the stolen bag full of jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh and other items have been recovered from the possession of the accused. Both the accused have been sent to jail and the case is being investigated.