New Delhi: A 26-year-old man, who set himself on fire near Parliament House on December 25, died on Friday during treatment at Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital. On Wednesday, Jitendra from Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh tried to commit suicide by pouring a petrol-like substance on his body near the new Parliament House. The fire was extinguished with the help of security personnel deployed near Parliament. He was then taken to RML Hospital and admitted to the ‘burn ward’.
The man was 95 percent burnt
According to hospital officials, he was 95 percent burnt and died at 2.23 am on Friday. A police official said that after the post-mortem, Jitendra’s body has been handed over to his family.
Why did he take such a big step?
According to preliminary investigation, the man took this step due to a dispute with some people at his home in Baghpat. Police said that his family had two cases of assault with another family in his village, due to which he was upset. According to hospital officials, he suffered 95 per cent burn injuries and passed away at 2:23 am on Friday. The body of the deceased has been handed over to his family. The deceased was a resident of Baghpat in UP.
Let us tell you that Jitendra of Baghpat had tried to commit suicide near the new Parliament building on Wednesday by pouring a petrol-like substance on his body. The fire was extinguished with the help of security personnel deployed near the Parliament. He was then taken to RML Hospital and admitted to the burn ward.