A shocking case has come to light from Hamirpur in Himachal Pradesh. The fine imposed on an officer for not attending the meeting for the last 4 years will surprise you. It has been decided to impose a fine of only Rs 5 on an officer of the Public Works Department of the district for this gross negligence. He has been absent from the meetings held for development works for the last 4 years.
In Hamirpur, the officer of Mandal Tauni Devi PWD is accused of not attending the meetings held for development works for the last four years, due to which it has been decided to impose a fine of Rs 5 on him in the Block Committee meeting. Now the officer will have to pay this fine, which has become a topic of discussion in the district.
Fine of Rs 5 imposed
If an officer is responsible for development works and he remains absent from the meetings related to them, then there is a problem. But the limit is crossed when that officer does not attend the meeting of Panchayat Samiti Hamirpur for not just one meeting but for four years. For this, a fine was imposed on the careless officer. The quarterly meeting of Hamirpur Panchayat Samiti was held on Monday. The meeting was chaired by BDC Chairman Harish Sharma. The development works of the district were being discussed in the meeting. But the officer of PWD Mandal Tauni Devi was not present in the meeting. It was learned that he has not attended the meeting for the last four years.
Warnings were issued several times
Meanwhile, an important decision was taken in the meeting against the Public Works Department officer of Tauni Devi Mandal. A fine of Rs 5 was imposed on him for being absent from the meeting for the last four years. In this case, BDC Chairman Harish Sharma said that a warning was issued to the PWD officer of Tauni Devi Mandal earlier also. He said that due to his absence from the meetings, problems were being faced in the development works of the district. He said that this fine has been imposed to make him realize his responsibility and to set an example for others.