An incident that puts the Guru-Shishya relationship to shame has happened in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Here a teacher along with his two companions entered the house of a student and after brutalizing her, made her drink poison. During this, the accused also beat up the student badly. The student died in this incident. The family has lodged a complaint with the police in this regard. The police has taken the body of the student in its custody and sent it for post-mortem. The police is investigating the matter. The case is of Bam Ka village in Katangi police station area of Jabalpur district.
In the complaint given to the police, the family of the student told that the accused is Ramakant Yadav, a government teacher in the village school. He has carried out this heinous crime along with his companions Chhotu Thakur, Manish Yadav and Ranu Thakur. All these accused are from the village itself and were harassing their daughter for a long time. It is said that the accused was also explained several times on the complaint of the daughter. Despite this, the accused did not stop his actions.
The accused themselves took the student to the hospital
According to the family, on the day of the incident, all these accused forcefully entered their house and beat and brutalized the girl. After this, the accused made their daughter drink some poisonous substance. After this, the accused themselves took their daughter to the hospital, where the doctors declared her dead. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and sent the body for postmortem and started investigating the case. According to the police, the search for the accused has been intensified.
Police waiting for the postmortem report
According to the police, it is not yet clear whether the rape was the case in this case. Therefore, the postmortem report is being awaited. On the other hand, there is a lot of anger among the villagers since the incident. The villagers have demanded the arrest of the accused as soon as possible and have demanded a trial in a fast track court and death penalty for the accused.