Karnataka Minister Road Accident: Minister Lakshmi Hebbalkar and MLC Chennaraj Hattiholi, prominent politicians of Karnataka, became victims of a serious road accident this morning. The incident happened near Belagavi when their car got unbalanced while trying to avoid a dog. The driver lost control and the car hit a tree. The accident happened around 6:00 am today.
In this accident, Minister Lakshmi Hebbalkar suffered minor injuries on the back and face, while MLC Chennaraj Hattiholi suffered a head injury. The injuries of both the leaders are not serious. They are currently undergoing treatment and doctors have described their condition as stable. Family members and supporters are breathing a sigh of relief.
Local administration took the well-being of the leaders after the accident
This accident has caused a stir in Karnataka politics. After the accident, the local administration and party members reached the spot and took the well-being of both the leaders. This incident has once again underlined the need to be cautious regarding road safety. This incident tells us that it is very important to be alert on the road at all times.
Where was the minister returning from?
A situation of factionalism has come to the fore within the ruling Congress party in Karnataka. On Monday (January 13), a heated debate took place between two senior leaders in the Congress Legislature Party meeting in which there was a heated argument between Public Works Minister Satish Jarkiholi and Women and Child Development Minister Lakshmi Hebbalkar over credit. After this argument, on Tuesday (January 14), when Lakshmi Hebbalkar was returning from the meeting, her car met with an accident. This incident has created even more turmoil in the party.