A youth died inside the police station in Dewas district of Madhya Pradesh. A case of custodial death has come to light in Satwas police station. The family members are angry with the death of 35-year-old Mukesh in suspicious circumstances in police custody in Satwas police station. Angry with the death, the family members have surrounded the police station.
Allegation of bribe from the police
The family members allege that the police had demanded bribe in exchange for reducing the section. The family members said that as soon as we came to the police station after arranging the money, Mukesh died. The family members have raised many questions to the police department on Mukesh’s death.
Orders for judicial inquiry
Seeing the matter escalating, the Dewas Superintendent of Police also reached Satwas police station. He pacified the matter by explaining to the family members. The SP has ordered a judicial inquiry of this entire incident. What the SP revealed after the investigation shocked everyone.
Police said- the youth hanged himself with a towel
The SP said that 35-year-old Mukesh, who was taken into custody, committed suicide in the police station room by making a noose from his own towel. When Mukesh was being questioned in police custody, he committed suicide with a towel.
Declared dead by doctors
After that, seeing Mukesh’s condition deteriorating, the police took him to the hospital. Where the doctor declared him dead. At the same time, orders have been given for a judicial inquiry into the entire matter
Questions being raised on police action
At the same time, now after the death in police custody, many questions are being raised on the police as well. Did the police torture Mukesh so much that Mukesh was forced to take such a horrific step? All this is still a matter of investigation. At present, the SP has asked the family to take him to a judicial inquiry.