MahaKumbh Mela 2025: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today took stock of the preparations in the Mahakumbh Mela area and also inaugurated the media center. On this occasion, he said that it is a matter of good fortune that the double engine government got the opportunity to prepare for the organization of this Mahakumbh. He said that preparing 10 thousand acres of land for the Mahakumbh was a challenging task and it has been prepared within two and a half to three months.
Better arrangements in the Mahakumbh of 2025
CM Yogi said that under the direction of Modi, the organization of the Kumbh of 2019 was better and this time in 2025 also good arrangements have been made. Every activity taking place in the fair will be monitored by CCTV. The ashram of 13 Akharas has been established. 30 lakh Kalpavasis will also stay for a month. There are 6 bathing festivals and 3 royal Amrit baths. 8 to 10 crore people will take bath on the day of Mauni. This time, concrete ghats have been built here and a 12 km long river front has also been built.
Special care has been taken for the convenience of devotees
CM Yogi said that special care has been taken for the convenience of devotees during the Maha Kumbh. Arrangements are being made so that devotees can come to Prayagraj and experience divine bliss not only during the Maha Kumbh but throughout the year. Strong arrangements have also been made for crowd control. CM Yogi said that this Maha Kumbh will be a confluence of faith and modernity. He said that an app has also been launched for those coming to the Maha Kumbh. Which will provide a lot of convenience to the devotees.