Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has issued a big order. An official has told on Tuesday that CM Fadnavis has ordered to take action against encroachment on forts across the state. According to the information, CM Fadnavis has set a target to remove illegal encroachment from forts across the state by May 31. For this, all the District Magistrates have been instructed to prepare a list of fort-wise encroachment by January 31. It is believed that the government has taken this step after the encroachment on Vishalgad Fort in Kolhapur district.
How will the encroachment be removed?
According to the instructions of CM Fadnavis, work will be done to form district level committees under the chairmanship of District Magistrates to ensure a systematic approach against encroachment. After this, these committees will monitor the removal of encroachment in a phased manner till May 31, 2025. Apart from this, vigilance committees will also be formed by the government to prevent encroachment in future.
How many forts are there in Maharashtra?
According to the information, 47 forts in Maharashtra have been protected by the central government. At the same time, there are 62 forts which have been protected by the state. Apart from this, there are about 300 forts which are unprotected. Regarding this decision, CM Fadnavis has said that the public demand for this decisive action was increasing and the government has taken this action accordingly.
Culture Minister gave information
Maharashtra’s Culture Minister Ashish Shelar has also given information on this whole matter. He told that the district level committee to be formed to remove the encroachment will include the Police Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Chief, Forest Officer and representatives of the Archaeological Department. Their job will be to ensure that the encroachers are dealt with properly and law and order is maintained. The committees will meet every month and give regular reports to the state government. Ashish Shelar said that the existing encroachment will be removed and it will also be ensured that these historical heritages are well preserved for the coming generations.