A shocking case has come to light in Sambhaji Nagar of Maharashtra. A case of kidnapping of a person in broad daylight has come to light here. It is being told that the person has been kidnapped due to old enmity. According to the information received, the accused had gone to get the money back, but did not get the money and they kidnapped the person. At the same time, CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced, in which the incident of kidnapping the person in broad daylight can be seen. At the same time, the police is investigating the matter.
Police investigating
According to the information received, some people had gone to Sambhaji Nagar in Maharashtra to get the money back from a person. However, when they did not get the money, the accused tried to kidnap a person. It is being told that the accused had demanded about Rs 8 lakh. The accused kidnapped the person and then took him to a location, but the victim’s phone had fallen at the spot. After this, the police investigated and also found out about the accused. At present, the police have arrested some accused in this case. The police is investigating the matter.
CCTV footage surfaced
CCTV footage of the incident has also surfaced. In the CCTV footage, it can be seen how the person was kidnapped in broad daylight. In the CCTV footage, some people are seen forcibly making a person sit inside a car parked nearby. Although the person also protests against this, but the accused forcibly push him and make him sit in the car. After this, the accused run away from there in such a hurry that they are seen closing the gate of the car while leaving. After this, the accused kidnapped the person and took him to an unknown location.