A shocking incident has come to light from Maharashtra’s capital Mumbai. The body of an unknown girl was found in the basement of a shopping mall located in the eastern suburb on Tuesday. This incident has terrified the people in the mall and the surrounding area. A police officer has given this information. At present, the police is investigating the whole matter.
Mall employee saw the body floating
According to the information received, an employee of Dreams Mall located in Bhandup area saw the body of the girl on Tuesday morning. The employee informed his senior officers about this incident. When the police got information about this, they also reached the spot and after inspection, took out the body. The officer said that the body of the girl was found floating in the water collected in the basement. The body has been sent for postmortem. The age of the dead girl was about 30 years.
Who was the girl, investigation continues
It is not yet known who the dead girl is and how she died. Investigation is going on to find out the identity of the girl and her family. Based on the preliminary information, an accidental death report (ADR) has been registered in this case.
Let us tell you that during the Corona epidemic in 2021, a massive fire broke out in Sunrise Hospital located in Dreams Mall in which 11 people died and the mall was burnt to ashes. The mall is closed since this incident.