New Delhi: Haryana Chief Minister Naib Singh Saini on Wednesday drank the water of Yamuna river near Palla village in Delhi. He took this step at a time when BJP, Haryana government and Aam Aadmi Party are at loggerheads over the poisonous water of Yamuna. In fact, Arvind Kejriwal had recently alleged that the Haryana government has mixed poison in the water of Yamuna river.
No poison found in water test: Saini
After drinking Yamuna water, Naib Singh Saini said that today I have come here on the banks of Yamuna river and drank the water of Yamuna river. Water Resources Authority took water samples from here and no poison was found in the water. He said that Kejriwal has accused the BJP government of Haryana of poisoning the Yamuna river. He had talked about mass genocide. Arvind Kejriwal has lied all his life and now he is lying again.