New Delhi: On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Kisan Trust organized the first Aparajita Samman ceremony to celebrate women’s empowerment, progress and resilience. The event reflected the Trust’s commitment towards the welfare and gender equality of women who are constantly striving to bring about a positive change in society.
The event began with the welcome of Dr. Mallika Nadda, President & Asia Pacific Advisory Council Chairperson, Special Olympics Bharat and wife of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President J P Nadda. She graced the event as the Chief Guest and highlighted the efforts made by the Trust towards women empowerment, social justice, and rural development.
Empowerment of Acid Attack Survivors: A Step towards Dignity and Garima
During the ceremony, a session was organized under the leadership of Ms. Sahira Singh to celebrate the bravery of acid attack survivors who have transformed their lives despite facing physical, emotional and social challenges. Kisan Trust provided them financial assistance and Dr. Mallika Nadda handed over the cheques to them.
In her address, Dr. Mallika Nadda said that women empowerment is very essential for building a progressive society. She talked about equal opportunities for women, financial inclusion and policy changes. She stressed on the need to create an environment where women can truly develop. She said, “It is very heartening to see that women from rural and urban areas are coming forward in this way and realizing the spirit of self-reliant India. Women should understand their role in the family, society and country. Our Honorable Prime Minister has always been in favor of women-oriented development and today we reaffirm this commitment. When women cooperate for each other’s welfare, they give rise to new waves of change. There is no limit to their perseverance, their achievements inspire generations.” Aparajita Samman Samaroh
Message by Charu Singh on behalf of Kisan Trust
Charu Singh, Trustee of Kisan Trust, in her address said that it is very important to work together for inclusive conversations and women empowerment. She said that whether women are in villages or cities, professional workers or housewives, their struggles and needs are the same. She said, “The discussions on this platform will create a positive impact on the society and this session will definitely make you a source of inspiration for generations to come.”
In-depth panel discussions: Women’s health, digital inclusion and economic empowerment
Two major panel discussions were held during the event. The first discussion discussed women’s health problems such as menstruation, hormonal health, reproductive health and fitness. The discussion was attended by Deepika Anand (World Bank), Dr. Shehla Jamal (Sarvodaya Hospital), Ishi Khosla (Whole Foods and the Celiac Society of India) and Shefali Panda (Bansidhar and Ela Panda Foundation).
The second panel discussion highlighted digital inclusion and economic empowerment of women. Experts explained ways to make women self-reliant through digital and financial literacy. The discussion was attended by Archana Vyas (Gates Foundation), Dr. Umang Mathur (Dr. Shroff Charity Eye Hospital) and Sanya Seth (UN Women).
Pledge of Change and Closing
The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Veena Nabar. She appreciated all the collective efforts that made this event possible. At the end of the event, all present sang the National Anthem together, showing the unity of the country. The event was attended by delegates from Delhi, Meerut, Baghpat, Mathura, Ghaziabad, and Muzaffarpur. Some of the key dignitaries present at the event included Poonam Sharma (President, FICCI FLO), Miss Sara Abdullah and Anukant Dubey.