New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the Vikasit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 program at Bharat Mandapam, said that the day is not far when the whole of India will be free from poverty. He said, “…In this journey of developed India, we have to set new goals every day and achieve them. The day is not far when India will achieve the goal of the third largest economy of the world. In the last 10 years, the country has brought 25 crore people out of poverty. At the pace we are moving, the day is not far when the whole of India will be free from poverty…”
Youth will also come forward to participate in politics
He said, “I have spoken from the Red Fort about bringing 1 lakh new youth into politics. Politics can also be a great medium to implement our suggestions. I am confident that many of you young people will also come forward to participate in politics.” India will be economically, strategically, socially and culturally strong
He said, “While talking to you today, I am also seeing a picture of developed India. What do we want to see in developed India? What kind of India do we want to see? Developed India means one which will be economically, strategically, socially and culturally strong. Where the economy will also be strong and the ecosystem will also be rich. Where there will be more and more opportunities to earn well and study well. PM Modi said, will we become developed only by speaking? When the criterion for every decision of ours will be the same, developed India. When the direction of every step of ours will be the same, developed India… then no power in the world will be able to stop us from developing. A voice from my heart came out from the Red Fort long ago. I had said, ‘This is the time – the right time’.”