Pune: Former Congress President and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi has got a big relief. Pune’s special MP/MLA court has granted him bail in the case of his statement on Veer Savarkar. Rahul Gandhi appeared in the special court of Pune through video conferencing. Veer Savarkar’s grand nephew had filed a case against Rahul Gandhi in the year 2023 for a statement made on Savarkar.
Had given a statement regarding Savarkar’s Hindutva
Rahul Gandhi had given a statement in Britain regarding Veer Savarkar’s Hindutva. In this statement, he had commented on Savarkar’s Hindutva and said that Savarkar has also written about it in the book. But according to Savarkar’s family, what Rahul Gandhi had said was wrong.
Bail granted on a personal bond of 25 thousand
After which Savarkar’s grand nephew Satyaki Savarkar appealed in a Pune court and today the court has granted bail to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on a personal bond of Rs 25000. The court has instructed Rahul Gandhi not to make any statement on Savarkar as long as this case is going on.