A shocking case has come to light from Bhilwara city of Rajasthan. The family members of the woman who attempted suicide by hanging have alleged that the woman could not be taken out in time due to the door of the ambulance being allegedly jammed and due to this she died. Everyone is shocked after this incident came to light. At the same time, an official has said that a four-member committee has been formed to investigate the matter.
What is the whole matter?
An official has said on Tuesday that a 45-year-old woman had attempted suicide by hanging herself. After this, the woman was taken to the district hospital. However, the door of the ambulance allegedly got jammed. After this, the woman was taken out by breaking the glass of the ambulance but the doctors declared her dead.
What did the family members say?
The family members of the deceased woman have alleged that precious time was wasted there due to the door of the ambulance being jammed. The family members allege that due to the gate being jammed, the woman was stuck inside the ambulance for 15 minutes. Let us tell you that the District Collector has taken cognizance of this matter and has handed over its investigation to the Assistant Collector.
Committee formed for investigation
The Chief Medical and Health Officer of Bhilwara has also formed a committee regarding this entire incident. The committee has been asked to submit the report as soon as possible. This committee will investigate the record of the ambulance, details of its arrival at the hospital, post-mortem report and other shortcomings. On the other hand, the firm operating the ambulance has clearly denied that the woman died due to the door of the ambulance getting jammed.