In the case of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, it has been revealed that he was attacked by a Bangladeshi man. In this case, Shiv Sena leader Milind Deora has appealed to the government to expel Bangladeshi citizens from the state. He asked to deport Bangladeshis living illegally in the state ‘as soon as possible’. It is necessary to do this so that Mumbai and its people can remain safe. While talking to the media, Deora said that a letter has been written to Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis requesting for the safety of Mumbai. It is written in the letter that wherever a Bangladeshi is living illegally without any proper documents, he should not be allowed to stay in the state.
The tragic incident that happened at actor Saif Ali Khan’s house is very disturbing and worrying. He said that to make Mumbai city more safe, it is very important to audit all such Bangladeshis living here illegally in the entire state.
Verification is not done before giving jobs
Rajya Sabha MP Devda also posted a letter written to the CM on his social media account. He requested to give priority to the security of Maharashtra. He also demanded strict action against those agencies which easily give jobs to people and do not verify their documents before giving them jobs.
Investigation officer changed
Saif Ali Khan has now returned home after treatment at Lilavati Hospital. Meanwhile, the investigation is going on in the case of six knife attacks on Saif Ali Khan. Meanwhile, the officer investigating this case has been changed. Officer Sudarshan Gaikwad who was investigating this case, now this responsibility has been handed over to Ajay Linganurkar in his place. Since the main accused in this case has links with Bangladesh, every small and big aspect of the case is being monitored.