STF Meerut had an encounter with some criminals late on Monday night in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh. Police killed three criminals including Mustafa Kagga gang member Arshad in an encounter in Jhinjhana area. Police had also placed a reward of Rs 1 lakh on Arshad.
According to the information, police surrounded Arshad, a resident of Badi Mazra Saharanpur, along with his three companions Manjeet, Satish and another in Jhinjhana area. On this, Arshad and his companions started firing. Police also retaliated against them, in which all four criminals were killed.
STF ASP Brijesh Kumar said that all four criminals, including Arshad, who had a reward of Rs 1 lakh on his head, died in the retaliatory firing. More than a dozen cases of robbery, dacoity and murder are registered against Arshad.
Apart from this, during the encounter, Inspector Sunil, who was leading the STF team, was hit by two bullets in the stomach. He was taken to Amritdhara Hospital in Karnal, where seeing his critical condition, the doctors referred him to Medanta Hospital in Gurugram. The fourth miscreant has not been identified yet.
Three miscreants arrested
A day earlier, Hathras police also arrested three miscreants in an encounter, out of which one has been injured by bullets. The arrested accused have already gone to jail under serious sections like assault, threat to kill, theft, attempt to murder and SCST Act.
One miscreant injured
According to the information, Hathras Junction Police was checking, when some miscreants were going from Hathras to Sikandrarao Road in a Swift car. Police tried to stop the miscreants, but they did not stop. The miscreants opened fire on the police near Nagla Aliya. In response, the police also opened fire. Police arrested three miscreants in the encounter. One of these accused was injured, who has been sent to the hospital for treatment.