Vadnagar (Gujarat): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said that despite being born in a poor family, Prime Minister Narendra Modi never harbored any negativity and transformed his poverty into compassion for the needy and worked tirelessly for the welfare of the people. Shah said that after becoming the Prime Minister in 2014, Modi transformed the lives of crores of poor people by providing them various facilities like housing, toilets, water, gas and electricity connections, medicines at affordable prices and free ration. Shah, who was on a visit to Gujarat, was addressing a gathering after inaugurating three major projects in Modi’s hometown Vadnagar in Mehsana district. These projects also include a redeveloped school, where Modi received his early education.
‘Narendra Modi transformed his poverty into compassion for the needy’
The senior BJP leader said, “It is taught in psychology that a child whose childhood is spent in poverty and deprivation is driven by negativity. Such children also develop destructive thinking and they grow up with a feeling of revenge. But, Modiji, born in a family of tea sellers, transformed his poverty into compassion for those in need. “When that poor child took over the reins of the state (Gujarat as chief minister) and then the country, he never had any negativity in his mind. He worked for the welfare of the poor across the country to ensure that no other child had to face the kind of poverty he faced,” Shah said.
Inaugurated Prerna Complex
The Union minister said that despite facing adversities in the early years of life, only a child blessed and talented by God can think about the welfare of the entire society without keeping any negativity in mind. The school, built in the year 1888, has now been redeveloped as the “Prerna Complex”, which was inaugurated by Shah. Apart from this, he also inaugurated an archaeological museum and a sports complex in Vadnagar.
The former BJP president said that Modi had given top priority to education after taking over as the Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2001. He said, “Thanks to his efforts, the school dropout rate, which was 37 per cent when he became the chief minister, came down to just one per cent in 2014. He toured every corner of the state as an RSS pracharak (full-time volunteer) to know the problems faced by the people of Gujarat. After becoming the chief minister, he solved all those issues one by one.” Shah listed PM Modi’s achievements Shah recalled that when Modi used to talk about India’s cultural revival and cultural nationalism during his early political career, other BJP workers including him (Shah) used to wonder how it would become a reality. Shah said, “Ramlala was in a tent for more than 500 years. Our dream of a grand temple in Ayodhya came true after Modi ji became the Prime Minister. Similarly, Jammu and Kashmir truly became an integral part of India after the abrogation of Article 370.”